Monday, September 3, 2007

9/2/07 -- No Playlist, waaaaaaaah

No Sunday Night Folk Festival on Sunday September 2, 2007, because (1) the first two hours were preempted by a soccer game and (2) the host was in the hospital getting NO sleep after an emergency appendectomy.

Next Sunday Night Folk Festival will air on Sunday September 9. Honest! (I hope.)



stuarthayward said...

I was worried! Not only did I miss hearing the music, my emails were returned -- "mailbox full" I was told. An a'dectomy at your age? Say it isn't so. I always thought we were home free from that ailment after clocking two score and ten...

Welcome back. May all your days be now healthy

stuarthayward said...

I was worried! Not only did I miss hearing the music, my emails were returned -- "mailbox full" I was told. An a'dectomy at your age? Say it isn't so. I always thought we were home free from that ailment after clocking two score and ten...

Welcome back. May all your days be now healthy.