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I've hosted The Sunday Night Folk Festival on WHUS / Storrs since August 1979. Since then I've also hosted Valley Folk (WFCR / Amherst) from 1985 - 2007 and In Town (WNPR / Hartford) for two years in the late '80s. My photos have graced a few CD covers as well as a few exhibit-walls. I've had a lot of letters-to-the-editor published, as well as some articles about folk-performers (the most recent, about Eliza Gilkyson, appeared in the Winter '05 issue of Sing Out! magazine). I didn't teach anything having to do with folk-music, photography, or writing.
1 comment:
Usually do not produce a wide range of good to employ somebody that has learned essentially what we currently perform. Simply, you will be having a person to your scenario intended for teaching approaches to have a higher-level involving health and fitness 90 day workout. You ought to exclusively work with a guru who's in depth information about the exercise sector Insanity workout. Usually, you can also neglect to succeed in which sought after fitness level Wholesale p90x. p90x workout
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